
Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Buckets N Boards

Buckets N Boards

Please help us bring Buckets N Boards to PCMS!

Buckets N Boards, a percussion and comedy duo from Branson, has agreed to create and perform a show for our students in May.  In order for to attend the show, students must read 500,000 words by the end of the school year.  Our Accelerated Reading program will track students’ words as they read and test throughout the year.  Reading teachers will have weekly A.R. conferencing with students to keep them motivated and on track.

A reading initiative involving a Branson show, however, does come at a hefty price. The fee for Buckets N Boards is $2,000.  We greatly appreciate any and all help you are able to give.  If you are willing to donate, please send all donations to the PCMS Library or your reading teacher.  THANK YOU!!!