
Tuesday, May 13, 2014


The extra credit 'memory boxes' for The Giver are due tomorrow.

Friday, May 9, 2014


Our traditional 8th grade cook out will be May 20 at Lincoln Park during the school day.  Hot dogs, chips, and a drink will be supplied.  I am looking for parents that would help supply desserts of some sort (cookies or something easy for kids to pick up in a line of 220 kids!). You certainly don't have to make or buy dessert for 220 kids.  If you would be willing to contribute, please let me know.  Thanks for all you do!

End -of-Year

-Packets over The Giver are due May 14. 
-Students will take an AR test over The Giver on May 14.
-Students will take a paper test over The Giver on May 12.
-The Buckets n Boards show is today at 2:00!  Students had to read 500,000 words in order to attend. 
-The talent show is May 16 in the gym.